Bridget Koza
I’m a die-hard arts student with a lifetime love for creating visual content. My degree is a mouthful, being in SASAH (School for Advanced Students in Arts and Humanities), major in fine arts, and a minor in Spanish.
I’m a die-hard arts student with a lifetime love for creating visual content. My degree is a mouthful, being in SASAH (School for Advanced Students in Arts and Humanities), major in fine arts, and a minor in Spanish. Most of my work focuses on combining and layering techniques of various mediums as well as admiring the beauty of nature. At the moment, I'm working on branding my artist persona (KOZart) and connecting with the art community virtually. Many of my extra-curricular roles at Western involve me designing graphics constantly. On the side, I work as a digital media designer for Western's ITRC (Instructional technology resource center), where I help faculty design their OWL sites.